Thursday, February 13, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

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DNC High Ups Caught On Undercover Camera Spilling the Truth about Kamala and Democrat Donors

The Democrats have been raining down pro-Kamala Harris propaganda on us since Joe Biden stepped down and she became the de facto nominee to replace him, but unfortunately for those commies it’s not exactly playing out as well as they had hoped.

If you ask the media about Kamala Harris, they’ll tell you she’s an “icon” who has taken the world by storm. They’ll tell you that she has “energized the base,” prompting a massive increase in both social media and donor support.

But as usual – they would be LYING to you.

Yesterday we reported on the fact that all of this so-called enthusiasm behind Kamala Harris is completely manufactured by her campaign. Democrats want you to think she has a lot more grass roots support than what she actually has. They’ve been paying social media users to make posts supporting her and manipulating the donation numbers by using “ghost donors” to mimic actual grassroots support.

Everything they’re doing is designed to brainwash voters into believing that Kamala is suddenly the savior of the party and capable of winning the election – but even the DNC isn’t buying their own crap—and we have the video to prove it!


A high-ranking employee working for the Democratic National Committee confessed on an undercover video that Kamala Harris is “weirdly unpopular” – adding that they don’t believe Harris will win this year.

The individual was DNC and Kamala Harris Campaign Compliance Manager Joyce DeCerce who spoke with an undercover journalist for O’Keefe Media Group (OMG).

Joyce – who at least from what I can tell is a man – said that he believes people don’t like Kamala because of “racism and misogyny” before admitting in the very next breath that she “doesn’t have any accomplishments to speak of,” failing to see how that might be a more accurate reason for why nobody likes her.

When asked by the OMG journalist why it is that Harris is “constantly getting attacked,” DeCerce said it’s nothing more than “a bunch of racist, sexist bullsh*t. Like, it’s just stuff you wouldn’t say about a man. People call her ditsy.”

Apparently in the eyes of the left its sexist to point out that an individual who could potentially become the next president of the United States is an unaccomplished moron who cackles uncontrollably and makes speeches filled with word salads no one can comprehend just because she’s a woman – god help us.

After admitting that he knows the American people don’t actually support Kamala’s candidacy, DeCerce went on to note that he used to work in fundraising for the DNC and revealed how the Democrats use and abuse their voters by blatantly lying to them.

The DNC higher-up said, “You kind of tell a donor what they want to hear.” Later asked by the journalist if the Democrats’ strategy has always been “take their money and tell them what they want to hear,” DeCerce responded, “Yeah, that’s politics.”

That’s politics? So, we just take their money, and we smile and nod our head, but we don’t really take their opinions into our strategy,” the journalist asked.

100 percent,” the DNC operative affirmed.

DNC employees like DeCerce really are pure scum who are trained to do WHATEVER it takes to keep their side in power and they’re not even ashamed to admit it!

You can watch the full video here.

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