Well, they did it. Democrats rammed the $3.5 trillion infrastructure boondoggle through the US Senate, after 19 Republican Senators betrayed America and their own base. But I’m not here to talk about those losers. They’ll be dealt with in future primary elections. What everyday Americans need to know is that Democrats are now scrounging around for every nickel that isn’t stapled to the floor, because they passed a $3.5 trillion bill with no plan on how to pay for it.
Here’s a look at some of their crazy ideas on how to scrounge up enough change to pay for the bill, starting with a plan to loot your retirement account.
According to a report in Politico this week, Democrats are “aghast” that nearly 31,000 Americans have IRAs with $5 million or more in them. The Democrats have even come up with a jazzy name for these types of IRAs, to make it sound like the people who own them are Mr. Monopoly: “Mega IRAs.” Oooh! Spooky!
Here is the Democrat Party’s brilliant idea for paying for a tiny portion of the infrastructure boondoggle:
Right? Brilliant!
You want to know something really sad? We used to have a name for people with IRAs that size in America. We called them “the middle class.”
But after decades of devaluing our currency, there are only 31,000 people left in a nation of 330 million who have a decent amount of money to retire on. Very few people in Generation X (mid-40s to early-50s) believe that they’ll ever be able to retire – even ones who’ve been saving for 20 years. No one younger than Gen X believes they’ll be able to retire. And nearly 60% of Americans don’t have $400 in savings to pay for an emergency car repair.
But AOC and Chuck Schumer want to loot the retirement accounts of the last remaining members of the middle class. Good grief!
Their next brilliant idea is to roll back the massive savings that President Trump provided people for lifesaving insulin and Epi-Pens. Trump ended the insurance company rip-offs that forced people to pay thousands of dollars a month to keep themselves alive, while passing the savings for those drugs off to other countries. It was one of the kindest, most compassionate acts of the Trump presidency and it saved sick Americans an estimated $180 million per year in over-priced lifesaving drugs.
Here’s the Democrat Party’s brilliant idea:
What if… we force those people to pay the old, inflated price for insulin and Epi-Pens… BUT THE GOVERNMENT KEEPS ALL THE PROFITS!?
Democrat logic: Those people with life-threatening illnesses are all going to die eventually anyway, so what do they need all that extra money for, amiright?
Here are some more nickels that the Democrats have found. Every year the federal government prosecutes companies for scamming or defrauding consumers, deceptive practices, and so forth. The government forces those companies to pay restitution to the victims. The Treasury Department collects the money from the scammers and disburses it to the fraud victims.
The Democrats’ genius-level idea:
What if… the government collects those reimbursement penalties… BUT THEN KEEPS THE MONEY?!
Democrat logic: Those smelly victims don’t deserve to get their money back. Sure, they got ripped off, but the government went to the hard work of prosecuting and fining the scammer companies… so we should keep ALL the money!
Another one of their great ideas is to have the government take a larger chunk of “intellectual properties” and patents. Things like song royalties and book royalties provide a very good living for a small number of fortunate people.
The Democrats’ idea:
Democrat logic: Hey, doesn’t the worst person in the world – Tucker Carlson – have a hilarious new book out that’s selling like hotcakes? He doesn’t deserve all those royalties when we’ve got stuff we want to pay for with other people’s money!
Are you sensing a pattern here with all of these plans? The Democrats know that the fed is going to have make the money printer go Brrrrrrrrrrrrr to pay for this ridiculous “infrastructure” plan that doesn’t actually have any infrastructure projects in it. So, they’re scrounging around for any wealth that people have legitimately earned and trying to seize that. The entitlement of this is just unbelievable.