While pretty much the entire world now KNOWS just how mentally defunct Joe Biden is, it turns out that his family is refusing to let the old man ride off into the sunset with the millions of dollars they’ve made by betraying America – THEY WANT MORE!
Reports have surfaced that even as the entire Democrat establishment and their media machine turn against Biden, his own family is forcing him to stay in the race.
At a Camp David family meeting, Joe’s family members apparently told him to ignore the critics and detractors, “encouraging” him to remain in the race.
The family is claiming that Joe’s “still got it” even after putting on the worst debate performance in American history.
And the person in the family who is most strongly applying the pressure? None other than Hunter Biden.
Hunter, who effectively operates as the “bag man” for the criminal syndicate that is the Biden family knows full well that the moment Joe Biden steps out of that White House the money dries up.
And it’s not exactly like the “Biden brand” has anything else going for it aside from its proximity to political power.
On top of the money train coming to a stop, Hunter also knows that as soon as he loses the protection that his daddy’s DOJ is affording him, he could be tried for crimes as severe as TREASON.
OF COURSE he wants Joe Biden to stay in the White House regardless of whether or not the old man can count to 10.
Not far behind Hunter in terms of pressure applied is First Lady Jill Biden – who has practically been the president during public appearances, often speaking on Joe’s behalf and other times leading him around like the lost puppy he is.
But the amount of influence that these two individuals seem to have over Biden’s decision should tell you everything you need to know about who is ACTUALLY calling the shots in the White House.
Meanwhile, the family is saying that the blame for the debate disaster should not fall on Joe Biden, but rather his advisors who were tasked with preparing him for the debate, claiming that Biden was “worked too hard” in the week leading up to the event.
Comically, they even blame the advisors for what they’re saying was a “bad make-up job” which supposedly made the 81-year-old man look more unhealthy than he actually is…
And White House aides have effectively completely turned against Biden, revealing that he’s only “dependably engaged” between the hours of 10 AM – 4 PM. After that? All bets are off.
At the same time, Biden is said to be soliciting advice from those same aides on how to proceed with his presidential bid so it CERTAINLY seems like quite a bit of tension and confusion in the Biden camp.
But with post-debate polling, like one from CBS News which showed that 72% of the country no longer believes Biden has the mental and cognitive health to serve as president – can you even blame them for panicking?