Thursday, February 13, 2025
League of Power

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Become a Consumer Consultant

Chances are, you’re a consumer. And if you’re a consumer, that probably means you have some strong opinions about the products and services you buy.

What if I told you there’s a way you can make money from your opinions? Thanks to the Web – and a little technical savvy – it’s possible these days. That’s right… you can get paid for your opinions.

I’m talking about joining, which allows you to create your own video product reviews and get back rewards in more ways than one. The videos created by their contributors have been viewed more than 40 million times on social media sites, manufacturer sites, and more.

The Business of Product Reviews

Don’t worry if you don’t have any experience as a writer or product reviewer. It doesn’t even matter if you know much about the Internet or have never even reviewed a product on (although this is a great place to get an idea of the style and flavor of good product reviews in some cases).

Your authority as a product reviewer comes from the only experience that matters… and the expertise you already have as a consumer. All products brought to market hope to cater to you. Whether they meet your expectations and needs is up to you; in other words, a matter of opinion.

And your fellow consumers are interested in your opinion. It’s like when your friends and family ask you about your new smartphone or HDTV… except on a much larger scale.

You don’t need to know the inner working of the new flip cam you bought or processing speed of your new tablet computer. All you need to know is if it’s easy to use, intuitively navigable, and enjoyable to use. Since you’re the consumer, and you’re reviewing consumer products, yours is the ultimate authority. Whether a product fulfills its advertising is your call.

Which brings me to joining

Basically, this is a free service where you can post video reviews of everyday products of all kinds: cleaning supplies, tools, electronics, cars, bikes, towels, you name it. All you need is a simple camera (even an iPhone is more than adequate) and a product to review. Most of the videos are short and demonstrate the product’s function, followed by your commentary about what features you liked and didn’t like. Try not to exceed three minutes.

Some quick video tips:

-Make sure you, as the subject of the video, are well-lit. Watch out for shadows.

-The product should be clearly visible.

-And ensure that you can be heard clearly. So make sure you’re close to the camera’s microphone or speak loudly enough.

-No need to write a complete script. But you should have an outline that covers the essential points of the review. Practice once or twice before recording.

Check out some of the existing ExpoTV video reviews, too. You can always model successful videos.

Once you upload your review video to, you’ll earn points. These points can be redeemed for rewards such as televisions, computers, gaming consoles, and a whole host of other gadgets.

You can also answer questions from fellow consumers about products to gain rewards, as well as take surveys.

What can you review? The sky is the limit really. Here’s a list of some of the most commonly reviewed products. (You can check out the full list on the ExpoTV website.)

Art supplies
Ice cream makerszzzz
Digital cameras
Fitness DVDs
And that’s just a small taste…

Look, working this site is not going to break the bank by any means. But it’s a fun spare-time activity that can yield fun and useful rewards that’ll save you money.

The Exclusive Products of ExpoTV has another cool feature where you can review products that haven’t even reached market yet. It’s called “Tryology.”

Some current product samples being offered right now include Herbal Essences hair products for the gals and Old Spice and Gillette for the guys. They’ve also had diapers, breakfast cereal, laundry detergent, and much more.

You’ll have to establish a decent reputation with ExpoTV first. But once you do, you can pick which products you’d like to review in video. And remember, many of these products haven’t even hit the shelves yet. You’ll not only get to be one of the first consumers to test it, you’ll also be able to post a video review of the product.

And one of the great things about these exclusive offers are you’ll get to keep the product. So, if you’re reviewing a new brand of Kraft Mac & Cheese, guess who gets a boatload of free macaroni and cheese? You! Reviewing a new shaving cream? Well, you won’t have to shop for shaving cream any time soon.

By using and starting out by reviewing by video some products you already have laying around the house, you could soon be testing not-yet-released products and getting great rewards for doing so. If you’ve always had a flair for presentation and you’re comfortable on camera, give a try. I promise you won’t regret it.

I wish you the best of luck!

John Hollister

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