Wednesday, February 12, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

"Brought to you by Global Liberty News"

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Are You Scared of This?

Are you ever anxious about making money? You’re not alone. People have unwittingly associated the process of making money with something painful, probably because most people are forced to earn money doing something they hate. It is important for you to get out of this mind set though, or you will let opportunities pass you by, never to be seen again.

Inside everyone lurks some sort of pain deep down. All of us have it. Maybe it came from something as simple as an adult constantly telling you that you were useless at everything as a child or a school teacher picking on you- let’s face it, if any child at school shows any signs of independence or ‘going against the grain’ they’re beaten into line.

This latent pain inside most people produces a lack of confidence and insecurity. This resultantly leads to a fear of failure that hinders achievement and ambition. This fear is the one thing stopping you from making that first positive step to financial freedom; once you take the first step, you’re more confident about making the second. One step at a time.


Is Your Bank Safe?

Do you keep your money in the bank?

If so you really need to check out this video.

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People put off making positive steps by putting up ‘smoke-screens’ as excuses: “It’s all down to luck anyway…..What if I failed and lost some money? Etc etc”. As Earl once said, “Success is simply a matter of luck. Ask any failure.”

These fears of failure are no different to those imaginary monsters children have; as soon as you turn the lights on, they disappear!

You cannot fear anything, not even poverty, because failure is simply not an option for you. Do not even contemplate it. All you can see is the winning line- never looking back, only forward. If you are still a little apprehensive you’re just experiencing fear of the unknown.

My old mentor once told me that failure was a stepping stone to success. While that may be true, where you’re concerned, I don’t see how that needs to be the case. Do you want to make it to financial freedom by trial and error?! No, you’re here to listen to someone who’s trodden the less beaten trail before you; a far more intelligent way to go about things! But you still must overcome your fears to walk down the less beaten trail. It’s easier said than done.

Imagine, quite literally, that you’re at a fork in the road. One road is well paved, brightly lit, and many others are merrily skipping down it into the sunset. And then there’s a less beaten path. There are no lights; it’s an overgrown dirt road, and not a soul in sight. Which path will you take?

Taking the less beaten path is a lot easier said than done!

There have been two major conflicts in the last century that demonstrate the power of being fearless: World War Two and The Vietnam War. Both the Japanese soldiers in World War Two and The Viet Cong in Vietnam were an incredibly hard force to beat on the ground. Now don’t get me wrong here, their actions were truly evil and despicable in how they treated prisoners, but looking at this from a purely historical perspective, they were a tough nut to crack. Why? Because they were fearless beyond belief. They attached more value to national pride than their own lives, which made them less afraid of dying.

From my discussions with nightclub doormen and lessons with self-defense experts, I can relay to you that if it comes to a physical fight, the person who makes the first blow usually wins by creating a psychological advantage of fearlessness. (Incidentally, the first rule of self defense is to run away if possible. Avoid the conflict whenever the chance presents itself).

Eliminating fear makes you strong. I’m not talking about suicidal ‘fool’s courage’, I’m talking about the fearlessness that stems from superior knowledge. Most people don’t bother to seek knowledge, so they remain weak and vulnerable. And they blame anyone else’s success on blind luck…

Forget this idea about luck if you want to break free financially.

This belief obscures the truth because it separates an effect from its cause. When we say someone’s fallen on bad luck, we relieve that person of any responsibility for what has happened.

Similarly, when we say someone has had good luck, we deny that person credit for the effort that led to the happy outcome.

The key lies in maximizing the areas where we have some control over the outcome, while minimizing the areas where we have absolutely no control over the outcome. Cause and effect.

For example, society has fed you a big lie for as long as you’ve lived. It goes something like this: “Get good grades at school, work hard, get a job, and save money.”

When what you actually should’ve been told is  (IF you want financial freedom): “School is irrelevant because it teaches nothing about money, work smart, stop being a wage-slave as quickly as possible, and invest money wisely.”

People choose the first option and then are frightened of risk and making money.

Relying on an employer to support you indefinitely is a huge risk and the feeling of security it gives is an illusion. What, you think your employer could never go under? Don’t you think the employees of Enron (the largest energy corporation in the USA which became the largest bankruptcy in history) thought that too?!

The fact is that you, as an employee, are a liability by definition- if your employer could do without you they would, regardless of what they may say to your face. Mr. and Mrs. Average are in for some nasty shocks in the coming years and I wish I could help them all- but I can’t. The time to escape the grind is now, before it’s too late.

Fair? Who said the world was fair? Have you seen that film ‘Unforgiven’ with Clint Eastwood? If not, see it because it’s a real masterpiece that won several Oscars. Clint plays an evil gunslinger, but in this film the bad guy wins! In the final scene the Sheriff (Gene Hackman) lays wounded on the floor, and Clint Eastwood holds a rifle pointed at his throat- just as he’s about to finish him off, the Sheriff says, “I’m a good man. This isn’t fair!” to which Clint replies, “Fair ain’t got nuthin’ to do with it.” And promptly blows his head off. The audience is left ambivalent and shocked.

I know it doesn’t sound very ‘politically correct’ to say, “life’s unfair and that’s just too bad,” but I’m only stating a fact- that life IS unfair.

I hear a lot of words thrown around these days that sound distinctly out of place to my ears. It seems we’re making up our own meanings for things to suit, and torturing the English language in the process. I was explaining something to my wife the other day, albeit in a firm way, when she accused me of “yelling.” I’m sure you’ve heard this one a lot. Anyway, I got the dictionary out, and wanted to know what the dictionary definition of “yelling” is? It is: “A loud, sharp cry. Especially of pain or surprise.” So we quickly established that I was not in fact yelling. Of course I still lost the argument because a man never wins, but that’s a different story.

Anyway, one of these overly misused words is “selfish”. It seems that anyone who’s wealthier than someone else is “selfish”, presumably because he doesn’t share all his money equally with others. But let’s consider what the actual definition is of that word before we use it, shall we? It is: “Concern with one’s own interests.”

Ummm, doesn’t that make us ALL selfish?

Let’s say that you decide to start a business today. You do well and make a million dollars.

Are you selfish?

By the correct definition, yes, you are.

And now, someone who’s flat broke says that you’re selfish for not giving him 10%. You say “no”.

Who’s selfish?

Both people are, because they are both concerned with their own interests.

If humans weren’t selfish we wouldn’t have survived as long as we have. If humans weren’t selfish we wouldn’t enjoy all the things entrepreneurs provide us, like the computer you’re reading this on.

And if we weren’t selfish, that less beaten path wouldn’t look so appealing. Only a few overcome their fears and take that path. Not all will make it. But perhaps those that do deserve the rewards for their intrepid and selfish actions?


Watch out for this SCAM

Have you seen this report? Click Here…

There are a lot of scams on the internet and the free business scam is one that caught my eye.

This is something I highly recommend reading…Read all about it here!

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Best regards


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